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2024 PAC Elections

Lakeside High School

Dekalb County Schools

Oceanography Spring Semester

Oceanography Spring Semester

This semester we will be reading The Loch, by Steve Alten You will answer the questions on The Loch as part of your reading.


Directions for Extra Credit Quizzes
  • To earn Extra Credit take the linked quizzes below during the appropriate time frame.

  • Score 100% on the quiz. Print the page with your score of 100%, write your name on it, and turn it in at the start of class during the time period when it is due.

  • To print screen (if you have trouble printing a score box), press "Print Screen" on the upper right hand of your keyboard, then paste that into a Word document and print. Please do not email quiz results to me.

  • If the due date falls during an absence, weekend or school holiday, please make sure you have submitted them PRIOR to that date.

Extra Credit Quizzes

Properties of Water

Textbook Chapters: 5, 6

Due 1/7-1/21

SO5: Students will analyze how the unique attributes of seawater determine the types of marine organisms and the ecology of marine food webs.

SO5.a: Compare and contrast the physical and chemical structure of pure water and seawater.

SO5.b: Identify adaptations of marine organisms that allow them to live in seawater rather than on land.



Physical Oceanography 2


Chemical and Physical Features of Seawater and the World Ocean

Chemical & Physical Features of Seawater:

Ocean Water & Ocean Life

Ocean Water Concept 2 Quiz

Ocean Water Concept 3 Quiz

Water State Changes

The Physical Properties of Water

The Chemistry of Seawater

Water and Seawater(take all 15 questions)

Physical Properties of Water and Seawater(take all 15 questions)

Ocean Water and Ocean Life

Water and Seawater: Visualizing Oceanography

Water & Seawater: Understanding the Concepts


Water Facts, Abundant factoids from the USGS

The Briny Deep, Video, audio, and graphics all about Seawater by USGS scientists.

Simulation of Sea Surface Salinity, Spectacular video of ocean salinity over one year, GFDL

Water and Ice, Many excellent 3-D JAVA applets of water and ice molecules in action

The Chemistry of Water, Natl Science Foundation (nice graphics of molecular interaction)

Properties of Water, Excellent animation & explanation of water's polarity & related properties.

Brinicles: Ice fingers of death, Amazing footage of ice fingers forming from brine under an Antarctic ice shelf, BBC

Earth's Water and the Hydrologic Cycle

Phase Changes of Water

Earth's Water and the Hydrologic Cycle

Phase Changes of Water

The Abyss & Coral Reef

Textbook Chapters: 14, 18

Due 1/21-1/30

SO5: Students will analyze how the unique attributes of seawater determine the types of marine organisms and the ecology of marine food webs.

SO5.c: Describe patterns and relationships between biotic and abiotic factors among marine ecosystems, including estuaries, coral reefs, open waters, and the deep ocean.

SO5.d: Explain the relationship between productivity, the flow of energy, and the structure of marine food webs.



Dive & Discover Quizzes: Score 100% on BOTH quizzes for 1 point EC

Hydrothermal vent communities self test:

Vent Quiz 2:

The Deep Sea Floor:

The Ocean Depths:

Coral Reefs:

Animal Planet Coral Reef Quiz:

Marine Bio Chapter 14:

Coral Reef Quiz:

Interactive Coral Reef Quiz:

Coral Reefs 2:


Into the Abyss

Coral Reefs

TED: The Brilliance of Bioluminescence

Treasures of the Great Barrier Reef Video

25 Most Terrifying Sea Creatures Video

Scientists Explore the Ocean in Alvin

Air-Sea Interactions (Currents & Climate) Textbook Chapters: 7

Due 2/1-2/15

SO4: Students will investigate waves and tides and analyze their influence on coastal processes.

SO4.e: Identify natural hazards (e.g., tsunamis, hurricanes, and sea level change) and their impact on coastal communities.

SO3: Students will analyze how weather and climate are influenced by the oceans.

SO3.a: Identify general global patterns of atmospheric and oceanic circulation including variations such as El Nino and monsoons.

SO3.b: Explain the influence of the Coriolis Effect on winds, ocean currents, and on weather and climate.

SO3.c: Describe the effects of tilt of the earth, solar energy inputs, and heat capacity of land and oceans on the resulting patterns of weather and climate.

SO3.d: Explain relationships between climate change, the greenhouse effect, and the consequences of global warming on the ocean.of global warming on the ocean.

Quizzes (currents)

Links (currents)

Dynamic Ocean Concept 1 Quiz

Dynamic Ocean

Circulation & Ocean Structure

The Surface Currents

Ocean Circulation (take all 15 questions)

Weather Patterns and Severe Storms


The Oceans Quiz

Ocean World Interactive Quiz

Coriolis Effect

Currents Tutorial, NOAA Ocean Service Education (excellent and comprehensive)
Global Sea Surface Temperature Simulation, showing ocean currents around the globe, GFDL
NOAA Education: Ocean Currents, Nice collection of tutorials, video, real-time data.
Thermohaline Circulation & Deep Ocean Currents
Perpetual Ocean Amazing video of global currents by NASA visualization studio
NASA: Thermohaline Circulation Video flythrough of deep water currents

Coriolis Effect with captions

Large Scale Global Wind Circulation Animation

Ekman Spiral and Coastal Upwelling/Downwelling

El Niño and La Niña

Ocean Circulation

Practice Identifying Major Ocean Currents

Coriolis Effect Animation

NOAA Surface Ocean Currents Tutorial

Quizzes (climate)

Links (climate)


Climate 2

The Structure and Motion of the Atmosphere

Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions (take all 15 questions)

Air-sea Interaction : Understanding the Concepts

The Atmosphere Quiz

Global Weather Quiz

National Weather Service Quiz

Tropical Weather Quiz

Cold Fronts and Warm Fronts

Cyclones and Anticyclones

Earth-Sun Relations

Global Wind Patterns


Seasons and Global Precipitation


The University of West Florida Online Tutorial on Winds

Coriolis Effect Video (Hurricanes)

Waves & Tides

Textbook Chapters: 10, 11

Due 2/15-2/28

SO4: Students will investigate waves and tides and analyze their influence on coastal processes.

SO4.a: Explain how waves are generated.

SO4.b: Explain the role of the moon and the sun in the formation of tides and tide patterns.

SO4.c: Describe the role of waves, tides, and sea level change on the physical structure of the coast.

SO4.d: Investigate the relationship of tides and waves on the distribution and diversity of organisms in shallow water communities such as rocky intertidal zones and estuaries.

SO4.e: Identify natural hazards (e.g., tsunamis, hurricanes, and sea level change) and their impact on coastal communities.



Physical Oceanography

Ocean Movements

Waves, Beaches, and Coasts


Between the Tides

Dynamic Ocean Concept 2 Quiz

Dynamic Ocean Concept 4 Quiz

The Waves

The Tides

Waves (take all 15 questions)

Tides(take all 15 questions)

The Dynamic Ocean

The Tsunami Quiz

Monthly Tidal Cycle

Tidal Patterns

Interference Patterns in Waves


Wave Motion and Wave Refraction

NOAA Tides Tutorial

Wind Wave Progressive Wave:

Standing Waves:

Motion of Wind Waves:

Wave Heights around the World Fantastic global and local maps from La Jolla Surfing website.
Mavericks: The Science of Big Waves Video on how the giant surfing waves occur
NOAA: Tsunamis All about the earthquake-driven waves
NOAA: Japan Tsunami Part 1 Conditions for destruction
NOAA: Japan Tsunami Part 2 Propagation of the wave

NOAA: Japan Tsunami Part 2 Warning systems

NOAA: Our Restless Tides Detailed explanation of astronomical factors
Balance of forces creating tides Figure from NOAA: Our Restless Tides

NOAA: Sea Level Trends

NOAA: Ocean Waves A full and complete tutorial.

Zipped Tsunami Presentation and Animations (18380.0K)

Great Earthquake and Tsunami of 2004 (8438.0K)


Marine Animals & Ecosystems

Textbook Chapters: 14, 12

Due 3/1-3-30

SO5: Students will analyze how the unique attributes of seawater determine the types of marine organisms and the ecology of marine food webs.

· SO5.c: Describe patterns and relationships between biotic and abiotic factors among marine ecosystems, including estuaries, coral reefs, open waters, and the deep ocean.

· SO5.d: Explain the relationship between productivity, the flow of energy, and the structure of marine food webs.



The Science of Marine Biology:

The Open Ocean:

The Ocean as a Habitat:

Marine Animals Without a Backbone:

An Introduction to Marine Ecology:

Coastal Oceans and Estuaries(take all 15 questions)

Life Near the Surface

Estuaries: Where Rivers Meet the Sea

Life on the Continental Shelf

Between the Tides

The Ocean Depths

Marine Ecosystems

Why Sharks Attack?

TED: The nurdles’ quest for ocean domination

Jellyfish Theater

Vampire From Hell

NOVA Fish Sorting

Porifera Videos

Cnidarian Videos

Worm Videos

Echinoderm Videos

Virtual Squid Dissection

Virtual Sea Star Dissection

Virtual Shark Dissection

Virtual Clam Dissection

Perch Dissection 1, 2

Marine Resources & Human Interactions

Textbook Chapters: 12, 13

Due 4/1-4/21

SO6: Students will identify how humans use the oceans for food, commerce, and energy and will evaluate the potential for abuse in the absence of responsible stewardship.

· SO6.a: Describe how physical, geological, and biological resources are extracted from the oceans, and assess the consequences for marine ecosystems.

· SO6.b: Identify how the oceans are used as sources of alternative energy.

· SO6.c: Explain how the oceans are used for recreation and transportation, and evaluate their impacts on marine ecosystems.

· SO6.d: Analyze issues, policies, and laws that promote responsible stewardship of the oceans, including trade, fisheries, transportation, and resources.



The Oceans & Human Affairs

Resources from the Sea

The Impact of Humans on the Marine Environment

The Oceans and Human Affairs

Ecosystems & Human Interferences (3pts)

Harvesting Living Marine Resources:

Resources From the Sea:

Impacts of Humans on the Marine Environment:

The Oceans & Human Affairs:

Oceans Quiz (Review)

Coasts(take all 15 questions)

Semester Reviews and Reminders...

Spring Contests

Spring Projects

Ocean Awareness Contest

Science Without Borders

Biomimetics Assignment

Winter Break Assignment

The Loch Questions

Marine Resources Article

Marine Resources Annotated Bibliography

PSA Commercial

Earthday Folder

Ocean Alphabet Book


Oceanography 2nd Semester Project: Ocean Alphabet Book Due Monday 5/4/15

Oceanography SLO will count as the Oceanography Final Exam, start preparing now.