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2024 PAC Elections

Lakeside High School

Dekalb County Schools

Oceanography Fall Semester


Fall Contests

Fall Projects

Ocean Film Festival Student Competition

MEG Questions Part I

MEG Questions Part II

Cycles Diorama

Final Aquaponics Blog Posting

Winter Break Assignment


Oceanography Fall Semester

This semester we will be reading MEG:A Novel of Deep Terror, by Steve Alten

You will answer the MEG I and MEG II questions as part of your reading.


Directions for Extra Credit Quizzes

To earn Extra Credit take the linked quizzes below during the appropriate time frame.

Score 100% on the quiz. Print the page with your score of 100%, write your name on it, and turn it in at the start of class during the time period when it is due.

To print screen (if you have trouble printing a score box), press "Print Screen" on the upper right hand of your keyboard, then paste that into a Word document and print. Please do not email quiz results to me.

If the due date falls during an absence, weekend or school holiday, please make sure you have submitted them PRIOR to that date.


History of Oceanography

Textbook Chapters: 1

Due 8/15-8/31

SO6: Students will identify how humans use the oceans for food, commerce, and energy and will evaluate the potential for abuse in the absence of responsible stewardship.

SO6.c: Explain how the oceans are used for recreation and transportation, and evaluate their impacts on marine ecosystems.


Helpful & Fun Links:

01History of Oceanography

History of Oceanography Flashcards

First Oceanography Exam

Oceanography Chapters 1 & 2

Oceanography Vocab

Oceanography Key Terms

Oceanography Chapter 2

Essentials of Oceanography

An Introduction to the World’s Oceans

The Nature of Science

Earth's Interior and Geophysical Properties

History of the Ocean

The History of Ocean Exploration and Ocean Science

The Science of Marine Biology

Planet Ocean Quiz

History and Challenges of Ocean Studies (answer all 15 questions)

Studying the Oceans (answer all 15 questions)

Earth's History: A Brief Summary


History of Oceanography Timeline

History of Oceanography 2

National Geographic Oceanography

The Water Planet

Textbook Chapters: 2

Due 8/31-9/7

SO6: Students will identify how humans use the oceans for food, commerce, and energy and will evaluate the potential for abuse in the absence of responsible stewardship.

SO6.c: Explain how the oceans are used for recreation and transportation, and evaluate their impacts on marine ecosystems.


Helpful & Fun Links:

The Water Planet Quiz

Water Vapor

Water Planet

Earth’s Water

The Science of Marine Biology

Chapter 1: Water

Planet Earth

Section 1: Latitude and Longitude

Maps and Globes Geography Quiz

Ocean Planet Test (take all 15 questions)

Air-sea Interaction: Visualizing Oceanography


Water Vapor Map

Where is Earth’s Water?

Latitude & Longitude Practice

Plate Tectonics

Textbook Chapters: 3

Due 9/7-9/15

SO1: Students will identify characteristics, physical features, and boundaries of the oceans.

SO1.a: Trace the development of the theory of plate tectonics.

SO1.b: Explain how the dynamic events at plate boundaries influence oceans and continents.



Marine Environment

Marine Environment 2

Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics 2

Plate Tectonics 3

Plate Tectonics 4

Plate Tectonics 5

Volcanic Activity

Volcanic Activity 2


Earthquakes 2

Chapter 19:Plate Tectonics

Earthquakes 3

Mountain Belts and the Continental Crust
Plate Tectonics

A Living Planet

The Good Earth: Plate Tectonics

Global Plate Tectonics

Earth’s Interior and Geophysical Properties

Plate Tectonics: Evolution of the Ocean(take all 15 questions)

Plate Tectonics: History and Evidence(take all 15 questions)

Earthquakes and Earth's Interior


Plate Tectonics and the Ocean Floor

Breakup of Pangaea

Convergent Margins: India-Asia Collision

Flipping of Earth's Magnetic Field

Formation of an Ocean Basin

Motion at Plate Boundaries

Global Geography Through Geologic Time

Plate Boundary Features

Sea Floor Spreading and Plate Boundaries

Sea Floor Spreading and Rock Magnetism

Tectonic Settings of Volcanic Activity

Terrane Formation

The Sea Floor:

Bozeman’s Video on Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics Rap

Plate Tectonics Song

Even Better Plate Tectonics Song

Sid Shuffle: Continental Drift

Plate Tectonics Flash

Science Connection

Causes of Tectonic Plate Movement

Topography & Sediments

Textbook Chapters: 4

Due 9/15-10/7

SO1: Students will identify characteristics, physical features, and boundaries of the oceans.

SO1.c: Differentiate between features of the continental margins and the deep ocean basins.

SO1.d: Identify the sources of the main types of marine sediments and describe how marine sediments are used in paleoceanography.



The Sea Floor

The Sea Floor 2

The Ocean Floor

The Ocean Floor 2

Ocean Floor Concept Quiz 2

The Good Earth: Coastlines

Marine Provinces

Chapter 2: Freshwater at Earth's Surface

Marine Sediments

Test 1 Earthquakes Volcanoes Topographic Maps Heat Transfer

Oceanography Study Guide

The Ocean Floor and Shore Zones

Oceanography Chapter 3

The Seafloor and its Sediments

Ocean Sediments Test (take all 15 questions)


Contour Line Quiz (just for practice)

Contour Lines (practice)

Sonar and Echolocation

Transform Faults

Turbidity Currents and Graded Bedding

Calcareous Ooze and the CCD

Geochemical Cycles

Due 9/15-10/7

SO2: Students will relate how the oceans are integral to all life on earth and how biogeochemical processes in the oceans influence the entire planet.

SO2.a: Explain how the hydrologic cycle integrates the oceans and the land.

SO2.b: Identify the role of the oceans in global biogeochemical cycles.



Communities, Biomes & Ecosystems

Communities, Biomes, and Ecosystems 2

Principles of Ecology

Interactions of Living Things

An Introduction to Marine Ecology

Nitrogen Cycle Quiz

Life Near the Surface

Carbon Cycle Gap Fill Exercise

Moisture, Clouds & Precipitation


Production & Life

The Plankton :Drifters of the Open Ocean

Moisture, Clouds, and Precipitation

Aquaponics Quiz


The Nitrogen Cycle on the Virtual Farm Animation

Carbon Cycle Tutorial

Nitrogen Cycle Graphic

Water Pollution from Nitrates
Learn How Animals Build their Shells

Atmospheric Energy Balance

Global Warming

Aquaponics for Kids

Aquaponics Wiki

Ocean Productivity

Textbook Chapters: 15

Due 12/1-12/16

SO2: Students will relate how the oceans are integral to all life on earth and how biogeochemical processes in the oceans influence the entire planet.

SO2.c: Distinguish between photosynthesis and chemosynthesis in ocean flora.

SO2.d: Analyze the flow of energy in marine ecosystems.

SO2.e: Describe the limiting factors that influence the primary productivity of the oceans.



Foundations of Life in the Oceans

Marine Ecology (take all 15 questions)

Ocean Ecosystems (take all 15 questions)

Ocean Resources and the Impacts of Their Use(take all 15 questions)

Pollution (take all 15 questions)

Multicellular Primary Producers: Seaweeds and Plants

Marine Animals Without a Backbone

Animals of the Pelagic:Visualizing Oceanography

Animals of the Pelagic: Understanding Concepts

Understanding the Concepts Biological Productivity and Energy Transfer

Visualizing Biological Productivity and Energy Transfer


The Microbial World:

Marine Plants:

Multicellular Primary Producers: Seaweeds and Plants:

Deep Scattering Layer (DSL)

Coastal Upwelling/Downwelling

Oceanic Midlatitude Productivity

TED: The weird, wonderful world of bioluminescence

A Single Drop of Seawater, Magnified 25 Times

Oceanography Fall Final Study Guide

The Fall Final will be 50 multiple choice questions taken directly from the quizzes in your online textbook resource at An Introduction to the World's Oceans, 10th Edition

It will have questions from the following chapters: 1-4, 7-8, 13-16, 18

1. You should be able to answer the following questions in preparation for your exam:

2. What was the main purpose of the Challenger expedition?

3. What is oceanography? Why is it considered an interdisciplinary science? What other science does oceanography incorporate? Give an example of each.

4. How does the relationship between the earth and sun determine the seasons? The equinoxes? The amount of daylight experiences at different latitudes and longitudes on the planet?

5. What are the parts of the hydrologic cycle? Define each? How do they cycle?

6. What are lines of latitude and longitude? How are they alike? How are they different? How do they change across the globe? Give examples of each.

7. What are Earth’s 5 oceans? Where are they located? How are they alike and different from each other?

8. What is GPS? How does it work? How is it used?

9. What are the 4 major layers of the earth? What is each layer composed of? How are they alike and different? Where are they located with respect to each other?

10. What are Pangaea, Gondwanaland and Laurasia? Where were they located? What do scientists hypothesize about these land masses?

11. Compare and contrast passive and active continental margins? What causes each? What are examples of each? Where can they be found?

12. What are characteristics of vent communities? Where are they found? What organisms can be found there and what adaptations do they have that allows them to be successful in this ecosystem? How are they different from other marine ecosystems? How does primary production occur?

13. What is an active continental rift? What causes it? Where can they be found? Give an example.

14. What are the geological features of the ocean floor? What forms and characterizes each? What would I expect to encounter if moving from the shore to open ocean?

15. What are turbidity currents? What causes them? What can they cause? Where are they found?

16. What are the 3 different types of coral reefs? How are they formed? How are they similar to and different from each other? What types of organisms build coral reefs?

17. What devices are used to take samples of ocean sediments? How do they work?

18. What spheres are found on earth? Describe them? What are the layers of the atmosphere? How are they alike and different from each other?

19. How does density affect the movement of solids, liquids and gasses? Give examples in the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere.

20.What are the parts of the carbon cycle? Define each? How do they cycle? How have they changed on Earth over time? How does man affect the carbon cycle? How and what type of carbon is absorbed by plants? By animals?

21. What is upwelling? What causes it and what does it cause? (How does it affect ecosystems?) Where is it like to be found?

22.Define thermocline? What causes it and what does it cause? Where is it like to be found?

23.Define gyre? What causes it and what does it cause? Where are the 5 ocean gyres found? In what direction do they rotate and why?

24.Define Ekman spiral/transport? What causes it and what does it cause? In what direction do they rotate and why?

25.What are the parts of the nitrogen cycle? Define each? How do they cycle? How does man affect the nitrogen cycle? How and what type of nitrogen is absorbed by plants? By animals?

26.How do pesticides and excess nutrients affect the biogeochemical cycles?

27.What is biomagnification/bioaccumulation? How does it happen? What type of organisms are most affected by it?

28.What are the ocean life zones? Define each one, where it is found and the types of organisms that are found in it. What specific adaptations do organisms have they make them success in these Zones?

29.What is an energy pyramid? What are the different trophic levels in it? What type of organism(s) is(are) found in each trophic level? How do they interact with each other? How does the energy flow? How much energy flows between trophic levels? How are they related to food webs?

30.Define primary production. How is it generated? How do plankton relate to primary productivity?

31. What is a “bloom”? What causes it? What does it cause?

32.What is plankton? What are the different types? Why are they keystone species?