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Lakeside High School

Dekalb County Schools

Lakeside VikingsLakeside Vikings ready for Battle
Male and female Vikings wearing purple walking into a marsh for battle
SAT School DayAll classified juniors will take the SAT on campus during the school day on Wednesday, March 19, 2025.
Basketball shot on the front of the rim about to go in, with a glass backboard. Instructions on the SAT Day for Juniors on March 19th, 2025
Save the Date Class of 2025 GRADUATION FRIDAY, May 23, 2025 10:00AM Georgia State University Convocation Center
Reading Bowl ChampionsFor the 2nd year in a row, Lakeside was named 2024-2025 Reading Bowl Champions
Students from the Lakeside Reading Bowl team holding 1st place trophies. Text reads: congratulations lakeside Reading Bowl Team 1st place 2nd year running
Various photos for Lakeside: student drawing in art class, student hanging a poster, students chatting in class, and student playing piano.
Students of Lakeside hanging out with friends.

Upcoming Events

Latest News

Mathematics – Georgia Department of Educa...
Mathematics is the language of the universe!
As students engage with learning Georgia's K-12
Mathematics Standards in classrooms,
it is important to ensure
Title I Survey Now Open!
As a parent or guardian of a child attending a Title I school, your participation is crucial in shaping the Title I team. Your thoughts and opinions are valuable in developing and conducting parent engagement initiatives and events in your school(s). The goal of all Title I programs is to support eligible students in meeting the same high academic standards as their peers.

This survey is confidential, and the responses will aid us in planning future parental involvement activities and events at Lakeside High School. Your feedback is appreciated, and we thank you for taking the time (10 minutes) to complete this survey.
Schedule Change Request Form

Please remember:
We will only be granting schedule changes for the following reasons:
  1. A scheduling conflict resulting in a hole in the schedule or a period with 2 classes.
  2. A class that has already been taken and passed, including through summer school.
  3. A missing class that is needed for a graduation requirement.
  4. A class being re-taken with the same teacher that you already failed with that teacher.
  5. A request to increase course rigor; for example to go from Physics to AP Physics.  
Work Based Learning Information
Work-Based Learning Programs (WBL) are structured educational experiences that integrate classroom learning (school based) with productive, structured work experiences (work based), related to a student’s career goals. This will increase their knowledge, skills, and abilities, for obtaining employment and/or post-secondary education. Click here to read the brochure on WBL!
Attendance Policies
Please click below to read our attendance policies:
GALE Test Prep
Do you want to be better prepared for standardized tests like the ACT and SAT? Check out our media center page to learn about a tutoring opportunity provided by GALE! 
Bus Routes

Providing safe, reliable, on-time service requires professional drivers, well-maintained buses and a competent support and management staff. As of 2013, the Transportation department manages 945 buses and 850 drivers to transport more than 65,000 students daily. Two-thirds of the District’s 99,000 students ride the school bus.

Tech Support Tips
Parents and Students, if you are having trouble logging into your account/Chromebook, please consider visiting the school before you put in a help ticket. At the school we can reset your password which fixes most issues immediately. If you would like more of a direct line, please visit the "Contact Us" page listed under Helpful Links, there will you have a direct line to people who may be able to assist you.

In addition, please visit the Lakeside Cluster's Website for more information on Virtual Learning. There you will find informational videos on using Chromebooks, Infinite Campus, Verge (English and Spanish), how to trouble-shoot with digital access, and Q&A from the recent summit. 
Infinite Campus (Parent Edition)
Infinite Campus (Parent Edition)
Click here for more information on how to create a parent account for Infinite Campus. 

Mission & Vision

The vision of the DeKalb County School District is to inspire our community of learners to achieve educational excellence. Our mission is to ensure student success, leading to higher education, work, and life-long learning. We are making this vision and mission a reality – every day, in every classroom throughout the District.

Through community forums, focus groups, listening sessions, and more, we have engaged our stakeholders, refined our objectives, honed our procedures, and formulated a robust, highly-structured yet agile and adaptive strategic plan. We are pleased with the progress we have made thus far, and excited about the future – of our District, our community, and, most importantly, the 100,000+ students who daily bring to us their limitless potential.

The District has created performance measures, targets, and initiatives to ensure success in each goal area. A monitoring and data collection process has been developed, and rigorous progress check procedures have been implemented. At the local level, on-going training sessions are offered to all principals in order to support the work of aligning, refining, monitoring, and evaluating the continuous improvement efforts of each individual school.

As a community of learners, we are committed to excellence in everything we do – within the classroom and throughout the District. This continuous improvement process permeates each aspect of our Strategic Plan, and we are honored to partner with you to make it a reality for all.